St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Parish
Baptism Information
Call the Parish Office at 920-748-2325 or email the parish office to start the process
All parents needs to attend a Baptism Preparation Class before the Baptism.
These sessions are scheduled monthly at a time convenient to the instructor and participants.
We encourage parents to attend a session early in the pregnancy or adoption process. It
is much harder to find the time to attend a session after the child has arrived.
Baptisms are celebrated at a time and/or Mass agreed upon by the priest and parents
Some questions for parents to consider:
• Do we want our child Baptized during Mass or after Mass?
• Is one of our child’s Baptismal sponsors (godparents) a confirmed
practicing Catholic who is and will be a good Catholic Christian role model
for this child and his or her life of faith?
• Are we willing to grow and be a model in our faith going forward, so that
our children will see in us an example of Catholic Christian life and
practice which they can follow?
By asking to have their children Baptized, parents commit themselves to handing on the
gift of Faith that was first given to them. Wherever you are in life’s journey, we are glad
to be here to help you grow in your Faith, even if you have been distanced from the
Church for a time. We often see a child’s Baptism as the occasion for many individuals
to be reunited to regular, consistent practice of their faith.
We look forward to sharing in this sacrament with you. If you have any further questions
regarding Baptism and the preparation process, please do not hesitate to contact us by
calling me at 920-748-2325