Christian Women

All Women of our parish are members of St. Catherine of Siena, Christian Women

 Currently we meet monthly, usually the first Tuesday of the month in the parish office complex, though meeting dates are not set in stone. Exact time is in the bulletin.

 Our Mission Statement: We, the women of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church of Ripon, with St. Catherine of Siena as our patroness strive to strengthen our faith and walk in the footsteps of Christ by working together to provide opportunities for deepening our spiritual growth, promote true Christian Charity, care for the House of God and promote Christian Fellowship for the community.


Some of fundraising events we are involved are…

2 breakfasts a year in the winter months

Food at a Friday Night Concert in Downtown Ripon

3 Brat Fry's a  year at Webster's Market Place

The Scrip program

Bereavement Meals for those who lost a loved one after their funeral service at our Parish

 Where does our money go…

This includes the money donated in the annual envelope in the January packet of parish envelopes  designated for the Christian Women

The Missellettes (hymn books) used at Mass (approx.  $3,000)

The laundry and ironing of the white linens used at Mass daily ($600.00)

Vestment dry cleaning  ($150)

We have donated money to the lights at the Blossom Street worship site. ($4,000)

The FREE Parish Christmas Party. ($500)

Plants to the homebound in our Parish during the Christmas Season.  ($400)

Dues to the greater Archdiocese Women's Group—MACCW

including donations to the Burse Fund ($200) which is for the education of our seminarians.

 A Special Thank You for answering the call to volunteer  and provide food for our various events. 

 What we are looking for is more input from our members.  We are always looking for ways to generate more funds from our Ripon Community as a whole.  We are hoping that you would consider joining our group to discuss possible ideas for  the Christian Women.  

Consider joining us at the next meeting, if you would like more information please feel free to call one of the officers…

President - Laura Kasuboski   748-5913,     Vice President  -  Joan Amend  294-6968,

Secretary  - Linda Wilkens 294-0366         Treasurer      Diane Nowinski   748-5456


Watch the parish bulletin and the events page on this website for the next meeting. – Usually the first Tuesday of the Month at 6:30 pm in the Parish Complex