St Catherine of Siena Oktoberfest
Sunday, October 9th 11:00—2:30
Parish Hall & Activity Center - In person
Menu: Butterfly Pork Chop, Cheesy Ranch Potatoes, Squash, Red Cabbage, Applesauce Dessert and Beverage
Cost $14.00/ $12.00 if purchased before October 7th
Entertainment Tuba Dan from 11:00-2:00
Basket Raffle , “Rent A Table” to sell your crafts, products, etc Cost $25.00 per table Space is limited so call 920-748-2325 to reserve your table(s), Big Raffle (tickets available $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00), Basket Raffle, Silent Auction, Mary’s Mantle, Parish Bake & Craft Sale
Drive Up Carry available, 11:00 –12:00, Adult Meals only
Any questions, contact the Parish Office at 920-748-2325