finalized plan reported to the Archdiocesan Synod Committee
1st year Synod Priorities
The proposed 1st year priorities from the April meeting were reviewed and finalized by the group.
Teaching Masses – expand the Teaching Mass format for all grades in religious education program. Grades 1-2, 3-5,-6-9, and 10-11 explaining the significance of the various parts of the Mass at an age appropriate level during class time.
Develop an adult education session(s) of the Mass which will explain the significance of the various parts of the Mass and importance of it in our Catholic faith.
Need to Survey the congregation on a best time to get the most participation
Enhancing our “welcoming” faith community.
Prior to the start of Mass the Lector introduce themselves and their fellow lector (by first name) as well as the presider. They will then read any announcements and then welcome visitors and guests to our parish community and invite them to introduce themselves to their neighbor in the pew before Mass begins. After a few minutes the cantor will announce the opening hymn and Mass will start.
Through this discussion it was suggested to do a parish directory and see what our options are at this time. Suggestion was made to add this to the survey to see if the parishioners would like to pursue this as a 10 yr. anniversary edition as well as the best time to hold a “teaching mass” adult sessions.
first meeting of the group idea...
First proposed priority – Education of the Mass. This has occurred in several RE classes and committee would like to do this parish wide.
RE area
Parish at large
Second Priority - to enhance our parish experience to become more welcoming and inclusive
Communication of Synod Priorities and what St. Catherine is doing as a Parish